Why Not Join Us

If you would like to support our work in safeguarding the sites that we work on, then please join our Society and find out about our current activities and keep up with our news.

Annual Membership

The Membership Fee is £5 per person for the year (October 2023 – September 2024).

For this, members will receive:

  • Free entrance to our October and February meetings

  • A monthly email with Stuart’s (Our Publicity Officer’s) Eco thoughts

  • Three newsletter/updates a year from our Chair-person.

  • The pleasure of joining us on any of our work parties with the cover of our insurance.

Even if you are unable to join in our activities, your support in helping us to make Storrington a better place for people and wildlife is vitally important. We welcome any further donations towards buying new tools and sustaining our activities.

Life Membership

Following demand from our members, we have also introduced a Life Membership Category. Life Membership is £50 and the funds go to support our vital work around the Village. This payment entitles Life Members to no further fees from the society – ever (which is quite a long time).

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